Vie du capitaine Cook.
Traduite de l'anglois du docteur Kippis, membre de la société Royale de Londres. Paris, Hotel de Thou, 1789,
2 vol. in-8, pp. LVI, 458; (4), 499 (per errore num. 497), (1); bella ediz. del tempo p. vitello marmorizz. Prima edizione della traduzione francese; precede il testo una lettera del traduttore Castera a ''Monsieur Garat, professeur d'Histoire au Lycée''. ''This work contains an admirable precis of the three voyages, with valuable information from the original sources. It introduces most of Samwell's Narrative of Captain Cook's Death, and also gives accounts of the various tributes to Cook's memory, it also includes the biographies of Green the astronomer, Ledyard, the American Seaman, and Captain Clerke; as well as a notice of the various medals which were struck'' (Cox, p. 64).
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€ 900