CADOLINI, Ignazio Giovanni.

Voto solenne della città di Fuligno, fattosi li 19 febbraio 1832. Foligno, Tipografia Tomassini, 1832. [Bound with:] Omelia per la Pasqua di Risurrezione del 1832

Foligno, Tipografia Tomassini, 1832.

297x148 mm. I. 27, [1] pp. On p. 3 woodcut arms of Cadolini. On the upper margin of title inked number ‘20’. II. 11, [1] pp. Unbound. Very good copies, uncut. Margins of both titles somewhat soiled and browned. Rare. The last leaves of the Voto solenne contain the text of various decrees issued by Cadolini, future cardinal and at that time bishop of Foligno, on the occasion of the earthquake of February 1832

Clio, s.v., p. 79 (only the Voto solenne).

€ 125
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