Succinto Ragguaglio Delle funestissime conseguenze apportate alla Città di Cagli e suoi annessi, e ad altri Luoghi di questa Legazione d’Urbino dal formidabile Terremoto avvenuto la mattina dei 3. Giugno 1781
4° (218x156 mm) . [2] ll. Woodcut opening initial, cul-de-lampe on last verso (light offsetting). Unbound. An excellent copy. Scarce account of the violent earthquake that struck the ancient town of Cagli, near Urbino (Marche). The shock left many buildings, both public and private, in ruins, and also caused severe damage in Urbino and other towns of this province of the Papal States. As wrote on 8 June the anonymous compiler of this Ragguaglio, the entire Legation of Urbino suddenly became the theatre of Terror.
Baratta, p. 923; BSRI, p. 234, MC025.