Serpieri, Alessandro.
Il terremoto di Rimini della notte 17-18 Marzo 1875 e considerazioni generali sopra varie teorie sismologiche… Discorso letto nella Università di Urbino per l’apertura dell’anno scolastico 1877-78
Urbino, Tipografia della Cappella, 1878
227x145 mm. 95, [1] pp. Diagrams in text. Contemporary blue wrappers, rather browned. A fair copy. Title uniformly browned and repaired at inner and upper blank margins. Some staining and spotting, mainly to first leaves. A short tear affecting the upper margin of pp. 93-94, without loss of text. To the upper margin of title the pencilled old shelmark ‘scienze 52bis’.
One of the first example of use of questionnaires for collectioning data on local earthquakes. Serpieri, professor of physics at the University Urbino, adds a catalogue of the historical earthquakes occurred in Rimini, from 1308
Baratta, p. 934; BSRI, p. 237, MC053; Clio, s.v., p. 4286.
€ 180